물리/파동광학2019. 6. 9. 09:38


운전을 하고 가다보니 앞차 창문에 무지개가 보였다. 어디에 생긴 무지개인지 살펴보니 하늘에 해무리가 보였다.

해무리는 다음날 비소식이 있다고 할때 보일 수 있다고 한다. 하늘속의 얼음 알갱이들에 의해 보이는 현상이고 무지개와 비슷한 원리로 보인다.

Halo (optical phenomenon) - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Among the best-known halos is the 22° halo, often just called "halo", which appears as a large ring around the Sun or Moon with a radius of about 22° (roughly the width of an outstretched hand at arm's length). The ice crystals that cause the 22° halo are oriented semi-randomly in the atmosphere, in contrast to the horizontal orientation required for some other halos such as sun dogs and light pillars. As a result of the optical properties of the ice crystals involved, no light is reflected towards the inside of the ring, leaving the sky noticeably darker than the sky around it, and giving it the impression of a "hole in the sky". The 22° halo is not to be confused with the corona, which is a different optical phenomenon caused by water droplets rather than ice crystals, and which has the appearance of a multicolored disk rather than a ring.


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